
Chapter 64 Equal Temperament

Chapter 64 Equal Temperament

During the research of the rhythm level, a student no longer had to deal with single runes, but with an entirely new and much more difficult structure, ‘syllables,’ created by combined notes!

The effect was entirely different from single notes. Whether it was from the level of cohesiveness, or its effect, the same amount of separate notes could not even be compared to a measure. A measure was more stable and complete, a step closer to systematization.

The ultimate goal of this level was for the student to combine several measures through research and create something whole. At that point, the measures would transform into a complete musical piece with its own life and energy.

This marked the start of the third level—the true musician level --

One could only move on from being a student to a true musician recognized by the Musician Union and the sacred city after they reached the musician level.

Most musicians were at this level. Before this level, everyone else would only be seen as students, or seeds of musicians.

Only those that had reached the third level were seen as truly useful because at this level, musicians no longer needed to manipulate aether for rushed live performances. They could store their musical scores into an instrument beforehand, and activate them using their thought.

The tight structure of music scores meant that they were extremely independent. Even if they were taken out, they would not scatter quickly. Instead, they could be stored in another medium. Even a simple measure could set it off.

The danger of musicians also sharply increased at this level. As long as they had stored the correct music sheet, a musician would be able to fight no matter what.

At the musician level, a good instrument could be the reason behind life or death in a battle. This was why the Rain Artist had been so furious when he discovered that his instrument had been stolen.

As for Wolf Flute, all of the music sheets that he used in his battles were stored beforehand. During a battle, each musician’s instrument would bear the brunt for them. Otherwise, Rain Artist’s instrument would not have exploded so easily.

Thus, a good instrument was like an assassin’s sword or a poet’s pen—it was a musician’s life.


"But for you, the musician level is still a bit far away. You’ll spend a lot of time in the apprentice level." Abraham did not continue, yet Ye Qingxuan rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Professor, when will you teach me the music notes?" Ye Qingxuan fluttered his lashes in anticipation. "Let’s start now."

Abraham closed the old book in his hands and knocked Ye Qingxuan’s head three times. Shaking his head, he sighed.

"Professor, I understand!" After pondering, Ye Qingxuan’s expression hardened. He stood up and said seriously, "I won’t disappoint you."

"Huh, wait! Don’t go yet, I didn’t even say anything yet!" Abraham looked at him, stunned. "What do you understand?"

"Did I misunderstand?" Ye Qingxuan sat back down awkwardly. "Doesn’t closing your book mean that you won’t teach me so easily? Hitting me three times means that I should come here at midnight to wait quietly. Shaking your head means that this path is difficult and I should prepare myself…"

Not knowing what to say, Abraham could only stare up at the sky and sigh. "You’ve only been here for three days. Why is your imagination wilder than Charles? I just wanted you to stop being so impatient." He paused and scratched his head. "Let me finish what I’m saying. Before officially teaching you runes, you must take a vow."

"A vow?" Ye Qingxuan was confused. "Vow that I don’t tell outsiders about our secrets? I understand. Let’s go!"

"It’s not that simple." Abraham stood up in the silence.

Outside the window, the wind quieted down.


"These are the three vows set by the Three Kings. All musicians must follow them, even if it’s just in theory."

The time-weathered man stood before Ye Qingxuan. Gazing down, he reached out a hand and pressed down on the youth’s forehead. "It has become just a superficial ceremony in many places now, but I hope you can complete it seriously. So, I will treat it seriously as well."

Instantly, all light dimmed. The noise and bird calls outside the window disappeared as well.

Ye Qingxuan’s pupils contracted automatically.

All was quiet. In the silence, he seemed to be able to hear his own breathing. The wind entered his lungs, left through his mouth and nose, and reverberated in his body, creating deep vibrations.

Abraham stood before the light so that Ye Qingxuan could not see his face clearly.

In the sound of the breathing, a faint but delicate murmur came from afar. The sound was too vague, almost like a hallucination. It was as if countless souls were watching them from the darkness.

"Calm your mind," said the hoarse voice. And so Ye Qingxuan’s mind calmed.

Abraham’s hand pressed against his forehead. It was the metal hand, but it was not scary like a sword or dagger. His shadow protected the youth, blocking the eyes in the light, and the souls in the dark.

"Let us begin. Listen to the voices," he said quietly. "Do not let the pioneers pace for too long."

"I understand." Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes.


Abraham’s hymn began in the silence.

It seemed to come from afar, but it reverberated in Ye Qingxuan’s ear. There was an undercurrent of metal and stone scraping, as if wind was scraping rusted metal.

Formless awe filled the youth’s mind. He heard low rumblings like thunder. It was the sound of hundreds of voices chanting in unison. The voices guided his will, forcing him to join them, speaking with Abraham.

The silence was shattered. Ye Qingxuan’s voice became sharp like a blade, carving the vow in his fate and soul.

"Obey fate and all life until death.

"Follow restrictions, as human ability is limited.

"Revere the aether; only the Originator is eternal."

When the last chant ended, all that remained was the last echo of the metallic vibrations dissipating in the air. The youth suddenly woke up from the trance. He did not know when he began to sweat.

In his extreme fatigue, he heard Abraham murmur, "Revere the aether."

"—Revere the aether," he replied tiredly with eyes closed.

"Rest for a bit," his professor said. "I will teach you the first class for all musicians in two hours—Equal Temperament."


Two hours later, when Ye Qingxuan was brought back to reality, he found the library packed.

It had already been a tight squeeze with piles of books. Now, not only was Charles still standing in punishment before the table, Bai Xi had heard that there was something fun happening and came back from playing outside. Even Old Phil came to check it out.

"What are we waiting for? Hurry up and start!" Charles rubbed his hands in excitement.

"Senior, you stepped on my foot," Ye Qingxuan said dryly.

"Ah, so sorry, sorry…Ow! Pain, pain, pain! Old Phil, let go, let go, it was an accident, I’m sorry!" The idiot had stepped on Old Phil too.

"Stop fooling around! We’re in class!" Bai Xi slammed her hands on the table. The room became quiet instantly. But the problem was, she was the least serious one. There were still two apples in her hand that she stole from somewhere, and she was having a great time munching on them.

Ye Qingxuan was pushed to the back by two excited humans and one dog. His chair had been taken over by Bai Xi too. He could only sit on the floor and sigh.

"This is my class. What are you guys doing here? Bai Xi, didn’t you say you’re just here to play, not learn? And Senior, you’re almost graduating. Why are you here?"

"You learn something new whenever you review. I’m here to review the basics." Charles pulled out a cluster of bananas from somewhere and started eating.

"It’s so much fun to be in class!" Bai Xi’s face was full of excitement. She was here only to watch the show. "Cousin, this is your first time. I have to witness it. It’s so meaningful!"

Old Phil barked.

"…" Not knowing how to reply, Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes.

Abraham coughed and hit the old book in his hand. "Everyone, quiet down. Class is starting now." He paused. Seeing that everyone had quieted down, he nodded and showed Ye Qingxuan and Bai Xi the booklet in his hand. "This is something that no Western musician can skip when entering the trade. It is the basics created by Mr. Bach, one of the Three Kings. We call it the ‘Equal Temperament."

"Oh, oh, I know!" Bai Xi raised her hand excitedly. "It’s the same as the Pentatonic Theory from the East!"

"Uh, maybe…" Abraham said, a little embarrassed. "I don’t know much about Eastern music theory."

"Don’t interrupt." Ye Qingxuan knocked Bai Xi’s head and sat up straighter. "Professor, please continue."


Like Abraham had said, the Equal Temperament music score held undeniable importance in music history. The book seemed like shallow beginner material, but in the Dark Ages, mankind knew nothing about aether and musical notes. This book’s appearance was like a guiding star in the long night, illuminating all of the musicians’ futures.

As everyone knew, music notes were the most basic tool to communicate with the aether. In a music score, every measure was an elaboration and structure of notes.

The first musicians learned how to control aether by deciphering runes. Similarly, the deeper and more accurately they understood the runes, the better they could unleash its power.

But in the Equal Temperament, Bach used forty-eight different music passages to give straightforward elaborations of forty-eight basic music notes. The forty-eight ‘passages’ were simple, but the explanation of the runes was practically perfect.

Going from shallow to deep, they established a music law. By fixing the notion of musicians, the law gave notes a new definition and categorization. At that time, the categorization of runes was revolutionary.

Different from the "Pythagorean Tuning" and "Octave Interval," Bach directly created "Equal Temperament." Creating structure in chaos, it established a base of unprecedented size. Some even called it the start of the path to the Originator.

Before that, all research was like scrambling in darkness. The birth of this musical score was the end of the Dark Ages and the beginning of mankind’s golden era—the Renaissance.

To a certain extent, Bach’s position as the head of the Three Kings was established because of Equal Temperament.

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