
Chapter 725

Zultan felt a soul wrenching pain, he knew it was because his scimitar which was also his soul weapon was now being destroyed by his opponent, he quickly took out his kunai and threw it towards his opponent.

The chaos knight have long realised that the scimitar was a soul weapon, he had been waiting for the opportunity to destroy to deal a blow to Zultan.

He knew that a soul weapon is connected to its owner via the soul, it has endless potential as long as it was nurtured well but it would also be considered a fatal weakness for the user if it was obtain by his/her opponent.

He also sensed what was happening via his spiritual sense and knew that Zultan have thrown a kunai at him, he couldn’t move right now because of the scimitar, if he ever move then there is a high chance that the scimitar would be able to escape his grasp.

What he didn’t know is that the kunai has a paper slip attached to it, a rune was inscribed on it, judging from the aura of the rune, the individual that have inscribed it was a powerful figure.

Zultan wasn’t reluctant one bit after using one of the gifts that Shadowslash have given him, the paper is inscribed with the rune of explosion and because it was written with the help of the pure yang Qi of the sun, it’s power is quite powerful.


Boom! The paper slip exploded causing the chaos knight to be thrown back to the poison fog, meanwhile the explosion also threw the scimitar towards the same direction as the chaos knight.

He was too weak to control his scimitar so he could only watch helplessly as it was thrown towards the poisonous fog but at least he knew that the fog is created specifically for chaos beings so his scimitar wouldn’t be harmed that much.

The chaos knight hadn’t thought that his opponent would still have such a trump card hidden on his sleeve, he felt the searing from the extreme yang Qi that was brought by the explosion.

He then planted his feet on the ground with his jaws clenched hard, he knew that if he ever returns back to the poison barrier, his fate would definitely be sealed, so without any regards to his energy and injury, he forcefully stops himself.

His feet dug deeper to the ground as he continue to fly backward but finally after a arduous effort, he managed to stop himself but the amount of energy he had used nearly left him empty.

his trail could clearly be seen on the destroyed ground he was standing, he looks at Zultan who was now in the verge of fainting and felt his spirit rising, he knew that victory was now in sight but before he could recover his energy and finish off his enemy a bright golden sword Qi came flying towards him.

He was too exhausted to react and the sword Qi pierced his back and blood started dripping down on his chest, he knew that his heart was pierced.

He looks at Zultan and mustered all of the remaining strength on his body and charge towards him, numerous more golden sword Qi started flying towards him and judging from their speed, they would reach him before he could reach his target.

Peng! Peng! Peng! The numerous golden sword Qi rain down on him like there is no end and causes his speed to slows down, Strawberry appears in front of the semi unconscious Zultan and quickly went into an attacking stance towards the chaos knight.

The knight looks at Strawberry in shock, he hadn’t thought that the person that attacked him was a little girl but before he could register what was happening, Strawberry already attacks giving him no time to react.

The glaring golden light that came with the sword have brought back the chaos knight to his current situation and without hesitation he rolls to the side but he reacted a bit too late as the glaring golden light pierced his shoulder.

Without any energy to back his defense up his armor prove useless against Strawberry’s sword Qi, and just like him she was ruthless and continue attacking and not holding back the least.

At first the armor block some attacks but as time passes by, the number of wounds on the chaos knight’s body amplify but he stubbornly refuse to die and continue to crawl closer to the two.

Even with the barrage of golden sword Qi the chaos knight continue to crawl towards them and his life was already in the state that he would definitely die, the only thing that made him kept going was his determination and an arcane skill that turns him into a half undead.

Finally he managed to get close enough and he lets out a maniacal laughter, Strawberry once again stabs his heart but it didn’t made him stop laughing.

He then took out an orb from his storage right that is full of chaos Qi and took out his mask, during this moment Strawberry did not stop attacking but it looks like her attack have no effect.

Once she saw the chaos knight taking off his helmet her eyes lits up, since she cannot kill him by attacking his body then he will kill him by stabbing his head, her height was just too short to be able to accurately hit the head but now that the opponent is very close, she had obtained her chance.

She quickly stabs her sword towards the chaos knight but it was halted in mid air, a hand managed to capture her blade with ease, she then saw the chaos knight looking at her with killing intent.

His handsome face was now gray and his eyes were black except for his pupils that glows eerily, the chaos knight have transformed himself into an undead, he doesn’t want to do such a thing because it would definitely prevent him from reincarnating but he could only do such thing to complete his desire.

He only hope that his side would properly turn him into a real undead when they obtained his corpse, a gray orb appeared on his chest where his heart was located.

The orb have replaced his heart and was now his source his power, he then pulls hard making Strawberry fly towards him, without hesitation at all he punched her into the stomach making her fly backwards at incredible speed.

Strawberry started vomiting after receiving that punch but she didn’t became afraid, on the contrary she glares at the chaos knight and raises her hand.

Energy started gathering on top of her creating a large golden palm and it quickly flew towards the chaos knight, because he had lost his sword earlier, the chaos knight could only receive the attack with his fist.

He took a step forward that causes the area around him you vibrate, he lets out a loud battle cry and punches out a powerful fist attack that created an energy that formed into a roaring tiger and collided with the golden palm.

Bang! The entire surrounding started shaking with the collision, Strawberry took this opportunity to obtain her sword back, she once again appeared in front of Zultan, adamant on protecting him.

She quickly sent out a barrage of attacks that causes sparks to fly, she was trying to wear down her opponent but it seems that her opponent was too strong for her.

The chaos knight managed to adapt from Strawberry’s crazy attack, he knew that he could only stay on his current state in just ten minutes, after that he needs to preserve his soul on his body if not it would definitely dissipate.

On Strawberry’s side the area was very bright with golden glow that emits an extremely sharp aura, on the chaos knight’s side countless white tigers were roaring and colliding with golden sword Qi.

For anyone who was watching the fight, it looks very mesmerizing but for the fighter themselves one wrong move would definitely cause death for them.

The chaos knight kept on punching and advancing, each punch he made would create a white or gray tiger appearing and roaring full of majesty and power.

He knew that he doesn’t have that much time but he wasn’t anxious, he felt that even if he did not succeed he knew that his death wasn’t shameful.

He continue advancing and when he reach a close enough distance he lets out a roar and charge with great ferocity, he decided to overuse the energy inside his core to get close to Strawberry.

Strawberry was taken aback by the sudden charge of her opponent, she had been dishing out heavy attacks throughout all this time and yet her opponent still has energy to spare which was a shock for her.

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